Wedding Weekend

Schedule of Events


June 15, 2024


Carpool to Sunrise Amphitheater

Plan to get to the top of Flagstaff by about 9:30 to make sure you get parked and settled before the ceremony begins.

Important: Please Carpool!

There is limited parking at the top of Flagstaff Mountain.  We ask that everyone carpool as much as possible (4 in a car whenever possible, 3 at least please!) so that we make sure there aren’t any parking issues.  Thank you!  If you need a carpool buddy, let us know and we’ll help match you.

Important: Paid Parking

If your car isn’t registered in Boulder County, you’ll need to pay to park at Flagstaff Mountain.  Please see OSMP Parking Permits for more info.   


Wedding Ceremony

Sunrise Amphitheater, Flagstaff Mountain, Boulder, CO

Join us on top of Flagstaff Mountain overlooking Boulder to make things official.

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    Please keep in mind that the ceremony is outdoors on top of a mountain.


    Mountain chic.  You know what that means, right?  If not, check out the attire page.


    The amphitheater seating is stone benches.  Stone is hard.  It’s outside, so they will likely be dusty.  You may want to bring something to sit on to make it more comfortable and keep any fancy clothes clean.  Don’t worry, we won’t be sitting that long.

    Getting there

    Please carpool when possible!


Green Mountain Run

Flagstaff Mountain to Green Mountain

The “First Dance” is played out.  Join us for a “First Trail Run” up Green Mountain instead!

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    Sorry, we couldn’t resist having a running event in the middle of our wedding day!

    For anyone who is interested, please join us on a casual 5 mile trail run to the summit of Green Mountain and back.

    If running isn’t your thing, please consider a nearby hike to enjoy the outdoor spaces in Boulder!

Enjoy Boulder!

Boulder, CO

We love Boulder, and we want you to have the opportunity to enjoy all it has to offer while you’re here!  The afternoon is open for you to explore the town.  Check out Things To Do

5:00pm - 8:00pm


Rayback Collective, Boulder, CO

Join us for a casual reception at Rayback Collective.

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    We’re keeping it casual!  

    Our reception will be in a semi-private area of The Rayback Collective.

    For dinner, you’ll have your choice of meal from the gourmet food trucks.

    We’ll also have open bar access.


June 16, 2024

9:30am - 11:30am

Picnic Brunch

Beech Shelter, North Boulder

You’re still hungry and so are we.  Come join us for a very casual “farewell brunch” before heading home!

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    We’ll be cooking up some home-style breakfast food in this outdoor shelter area just north of Boulder. 

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